Thursday, September 12, 2024

European Protestants approve publication of controversial document on gender, sexuality

The Communion of Protestant Churches in Europe, which brings together 96 ecclesial communities, has issued a 22-page final report following its recent 9th general assembly in Sibiu, Romania.

The Hungarian Reformed Church withdrew from the assembly because of its “substantial theological concerns” about a study document on gender, sexuality, marriage, and the family.

The document “sparked a broad debate,” Riccardo Burigana of the Study Center for Ecumenism in Italy wrote in the Vatican newspaper. “A plurality of positions emerged from the debate, which however led to a deep harmony, also thanks to the use of the method of differentiated consensus, with a view to continuing a reflection that must involve, as has been said on several occasions, the local churches.”

By a 69-4 vote, with three abstentions, the Protestant communities approved the publication of the document.

Participants in the assembly also discussed democracy, migration, dialogue, and peace. 

The theme of the assembly was “In the Light of Christ – Called to Hope”; the keynote address, delivered by Swiss theologian Christine Schliesser, was entitled “’Gimme Hope!’ Towards a New Theology of Hope.”