Sunday, December 03, 2023

Priests of the Apostolic Exarchate in Germany participate in a formation meeting

Ukrainian Greek Catholic Apostolic Exarchate in Germany and Scandinavia |  Eparchies | Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church

On December 1, an online formation meeting for the priests of the Apostolic Exarchate in Germany and Scandinavia called “Spiritual Impetus” took place, as it is reported by the press service of the Apostolic Exarchate in Germany and Scandinavia.

At the beginning of the meeting, Bishop Bohdan Dziurakh congratulated the priests who were celebrating their anniversaries, thanking each of them for their service.

Fr. Taras Babiy, Director of the Diocesan Institute of Pastoral Care of Marriage and Family of Saints Joachim and Anne, in his report, presented the process of preparation of married couples and spiritual counseling of families, which is carried out in the Stryi Eparchy of the UGCC. 

The priest spoke about the process of creating the structure and activities of the diocesan institute. 

In particular, he shared the challenges that arose during the pandemic.

The next speaker was Fr. Panteleimon Trofimov, who presented “The 400th anniversary of the martyrdom of St. Josaphat Kuntsevych.” 

In his report, the priest underscored some essential details from the life of St. Josaphat, who longed for the unification of Christ’s Church. 

The participants of the online meeting heard about the considerable reforms of St. Josaphat, which contributed to the development of monasticism and the advancement of the spiritual and educational levels of the clergy.

Therefore, Bishop Bohdan spoke to the priests of the Apostolic Exarchate, urging them to share the true story of St. Josaphat’s greatness. 

Additionally, he emphasized the importance of fostering reverence for Ukrainian saints within parish communities. 

The bishop discussed the current exarchal pastoral tasks with the priests, drawing attention to the protocol of the formation course and emphasizing the pastoral plan of the parish’s activities to be implemented in the life of the parish community.