Sunday, December 03, 2023

Eucharistic Congress in South Sudan: Cardinal Urges Leaders to “disinfect from tribalism”

At the launch of the Eucharistic Congress in South Sudan, Stephen Cardinal Ameyu Martin Mulla of the Catholic Archdiocese of Juba has urged leaders to “disinfect people from tribalism” in order to build a stronger and more united country.

Addressing the faithful during the launch of the yearlong Eucharistic Congress on November 26 in the Catholic Diocese of Wau, Cardinal Mulla said it is the task of the government and Church leaders to free the country of tribalism.

‘‘We as Church leaders and as government leaders have to disinfect our people from tribalism and regionalism because it is only through that can we build a strong South Sudan, so that we can be one people of God,” the South Sudanese Cardinal said.

He added, “We need to be serious about our own roles, each one of us especially, those who are the leaders in the government and those who are leaders in the church. It is a difficult task because our people have been infected by the sickness called tribalism and we are the ones to disinfect them from this tribalism.’’ 

Prior to the launch of the Eucharistic Congress, Catholic Bishops, Catholic Diocesan delegates and Christians in the Catholic Diocese of Wau made a solemn procession on November 25 from St Josephine Bakhita Prayer Centre - Lokoloko to St Mary Help of Christians Cathedral in Wau town. 

There were several stations along the way where prayers were offered for the various needs of the people in South Sudan and Sudan. 

Among the places prayers were offered included residential areas, Bahr El-Ghazal University, and Wau Central Prison. 

Hundreds of inmates assembled at the inner gate of the prison singing praise to God before they received blessings of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. 

Thousands of Christians turned up for the procession which was accompanied by various prayer intentions, Holy Rosary and devotional songs.

The yearlong congress launching will be dedicated to catechesis and animations on the Holy Eucharist and prayers of thanksgiving for the Golden Jubilee of the establishment of the Sudan/South Sudan Hierarchy. 

The Eucharistic Congress will culminate in the Catholic Archdiocese of Juba on 24 November 2024.