Sunday, December 03, 2023

Catholic Bishops in Kenya Urge Government to “respond swiftly” to El Nino Victims

PRE-QUALIFICATION OF SUPPLIERS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR  2023/2025 - KCCB - Tenders in Kenya from Government & NGO's - Tenders Kenya  2023

Members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) are calling on the government of the East African country to “respond swiftly” to the damage caused by the ongoing El Nino rains especially by helping the victims of the rains that have reportedly claimed at least 120 lives and displaced about 90,000.

In their collective statement issued Wednesday, November 29, the Catholic Bishops say that timely intervention into the situation is critical in alleviating the immediate distress caused by the rains that have caused massive destruction in the East African region.

“We call upon the Government to respond swiftly by providing robust support to the affected people and communities,” the Bishops say in the statement that their chairman, Archbishop Martin Kivuva Musonde of Mombasa Archdiocese signed.

They add, “We specifically urge the Government to demonstrate sensitivity to the needs of Kenyans amidst the negative effects of El Nino.”

The Bishops emphasize the responsible use of funds allocated for mitigating the impact of the rains that started in October, underscoring the importance of transparency and accountability while utilizing the funds.

“As we have learned from past incidents, disaster relief funds must be directed towards their intended purpose, prioritizing the well-being of our citizens over personal interests,” the KCCB members say.

Decrying past experiences where disasters have been used by "some selfish individuals" to misdirect relief funds, the Bishops call for prioritization of human life in the collective efforts towards mitigating the El Nino crisis.

In their statement, the Catholic Bishops call for cooperation between public and private entities to avert further damage and specifically urge the government to fully engage its disaster management teams in reaching out to the victims.

The engagement between the public and private entities, they say, “should encompass the efficient evacuation of affected persons, immediate interventions to address emerging challenges, and proactive assistance to help communities prepare for potential prolonged impacts should El Nino persist.”

Meanwhile, the KCCB members have expressed their sympathy with those affected by the El Nino rains and called for more precautionary measures both on the side of the citizens and the government to mitigate the impacts of the rains.

“We send our sympathy and promise of prayers to all those families that have lost their loved ones in these disasters and to those who have been affected or injured,” the Bishops say, and  implore, “May God, grant you comfort, as we all seek ways to assist. We also thank those who, as individuals or corporates, have already come out to assist the affected.”