Tuesday, December 27, 2022

CW : Editorial


To All Who Visit this Site,

Welcome, and Thank You,

At this time of the year, we all tend to slowly wind down and take stock of what the year has dealt us, and pause (with hope) that the coming year will perhaps be kinder to us.

With this in mind, we here at CW took some time out recently to come together and take stock of where we are, and indeed, none of us thought we would be publishing again this year, never mind into 2023.

However, this decision was somewhat made for us when we received communications from many who are concerned that so much was going on and we were in effect, silent.

Others wanted us to consider offering them an outlet by which to challenge issues that are / were affecting them, either directly or indirectly.

We decided to get back into action, and upon reflection, we are glad we have done so, but we did not expect to be so immediately overwhelmed with what was presented to us.

We now have 3 new investigations, and 2 which are being re-visited, making a total of 5 ongoing investigations : all being notified to you all here as best we (legally) can, despite legal threats from certain elements.

Here in CW, we operate on the basis of evidence and truth, and this seems to have unsettled so many but we will persist in our investigations.

Due to the nature of legal threats etc, we also decided to adopt the motto : Vincit Omnia Veritas (Truth Conquers All Things), and this is our guiding principle also....nothing gets published here without evidence and verification....something others may wish to take note of for future reference.

2023 becomes the 17th year of CW, and despite being silent for some of that time, it does not mean that behind the scenes we were also silent....far from it, and this will become more evident as the year progresses.

We would also like to issue an invitation to any and all who may wish for us to investigate a matter of concern, or to highlight something which they feel is of importance / relevance, please do get in touch via clericalwhispers@gmail.com, and we will respond as best we can.

So, let us now enjoy the break and prepare for 2023, and for what we know will become a rather interesting and informative year yet....