"We ask forgiveness for ourselves and for our clergy for having not done
enough in recognising the physical, emotional and psychological pain
and trauma which many victims of sexual abuse have suffered at the hands
of family members, members of society at large and within our own
church structures", write the Bishops of the Southern African Catholic
Bishops' Conference (SACBC) in their message in response to the appeal
launched by Pope Francis to pray for the victims of sexual abuse.
The message announces three days of prayer, one of which will be a day
of fasting. This will begin with Friday evening, 2 December and will end
with the celebration of the Mass of the Second Sunday of Advent, on
December 4.
The Bishops acknowledge "their errors in dealing with issues of sexual
abuse especially when we have failed to listen to the cry of those
abused within our own church structures and our failure to empathise
with their pain".
"We want to work - the statement continues - with all structures in
society and especially with our priests, church personnel and church
workers in creating a safe environment for children and vulnerable
people and in meeting the demands of justice in redressing the crimes
and failures of the past regarding sexual abuse".
"We commit ourselves to following the provisions in our own church protocols for the investigation of sexual abuse within
our church structures and adherence to the law of the land when crimes
have been committed", the Bishops conclude.