"Let us together ensure that family and Christian marriage is the
starting point for charity" urges Cardinal John Tong Hon, Bishop of Hong
Kong, in his Pastoral letter for Advent 2016 signed on November 20,
solemnity of Christ the King.
The Cardinal invites to give more time, more love, more mercy and
forgiveness to family, promoting prayer and children’s education to
address the social challenges of today, such as the gap between rich and
poor, conflicts and contradictions, the weight of life itself, so that
all may enjoy family life, where to grow up mentally, spiritually and
In the letter, sent to Agenzia Fides, the Cardinal traces the Holy Year
of Mercy, listing the celebrations and the many initiatives in Hong
Kong. Much of the diocesan pastoral ministry was mainly dedicated to
family, to Christian marriage, to the defense of life...
"In the last 20 years - writes the Cardinal -, the faithful of our
diocese have realized the importance of family life. I myself shared our
pastoral care of marriage and family during the Special Synod of
Pastoral groups were created, each with a specific task: for
young people, for engaged couples, for families... After the celebration
of the Synod on the Family, the diocesan pastoral ministry gave special
attention to the divorced, accompanying them with mercy in their
journey of faith.
The Bishop of Hong Kong repeatedly emphasizes in his letter that "family
and marriage are the foundation of society", and faith helps the family
to face the challenges, while "the deepening of faith strengthens the
link between family and marriage".