The kingdom of heaven is at hand, "in some way it is already
present", but to be part of it we must convert, abandon the "idols" –
success at all costs, power at the expense of the weak, thirst for
wealth, pleasure at any price – that "are of the devil,” said Pope
Francis before the Angelus, dedicated to the season of Advent.
In today's Gospel, he said that the call of John the Baptist can be heard: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Mt
3:2). “The central message of every Christian mission is not a work of
proselytism as if Christians were fans in search of new supporters for
their team, but it is simply a joyful proclamation: the kingdom of God
is coming; indeed, it is close, is in our midst."
But when we speak of the kingdom of heaven we immediately think about
eternal life. "Of course, this is true, God's kingdom will extend
endlessly beyond earthly life, but the good news that Jesus brought us
–and John foretold – is that we must not wait for the kingdom of God in
the future: it has come, in some ways it is already present, and we can
experience right now its spiritual power (. . .) God comes to establish
his dominion in our history, in the today of every day, in our lives;
and where it is accepted with faith and humility, love, joy and peace
The condition to become part of this kingdom "is to make a change in
our life, that is converting every day, one step forward each day. [. .
.] It is to leave the convenient but misleading streets, the idols of
this world – success at all costs, power at the expense of the weak,
thirst for wealth, pleasure at any price –and open instead the way for
the Lord who comes.
“He does not take away our freedom, but gives us true happiness. With
Jesus’s birth in Bethlehem, God himself came to dwell among us to free
us from selfishness, sin, corruption, and those attitudes that are of
the devil."
Christmas "is a day of great joy, outwardly too, but it is primarily a
religious event that requires spiritual preparation. The Baptist calls
for straightening the paths of the Lord. We prepare the way of the Lord
and straighten his paths when we examine our conscience, when we vet our
attitudes, to chase away the sinful attitudes that I mentioned.”
“May the Virgin Mary help us prepare for the meeting with this
always-greater-love, which is the one Jesus brought and, on Christmas
Eve, became very, very little, like a seed that fell into the ground.
Jesus is this seed: the seed of the Kingdom of God."
After the Marian prayer, the pope reminded everyone of next Thursday,
8 December, the feast day of the Immaculate. "Let us pray together,
asking for her maternal intercession for the conversion of hearts and
the gift of peace."