Sunday, November 13, 2016

Trump election shows politicians were out of touch, Cardinal Burke says

Image result for Cardinal Raymond BurkeIn an interview with the National Catholic Register, Cardinal Raymond Burke said that the election of Donald Trump to the American presidency shows the need for a return to basic political principles. 

He said:
That a candidate like Donald Trump — who was completely out of the normal system of politics — could be elected is an indication that our political leaders need to listen more carefully to the people and, in my judgment, return to those fundamental principles that safeguard the common good that were so clearly enunciated at the foundation of the country in the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution.
Cardinal Burke—an American prelate who is now the patron of the Knights of Malta—said that he hoped Trump would be able to heal divisions among Americans. 

He remarked that the Republican president-election was “right on the money” in his public stand on the right to life.