Saturday, November 12, 2016

Pope: You must love everyone you meet in life "because God loves them" one is excluded from the love and mercy of Jesus, "even the greatest sinner. Nobody". And that means having to love those you meet in life "because God loves them" because all are "included" and no one is excluded from the design of divine love.

"Inclusion" was the topic of Pope Francis’ catechesis to the 30 thousand participants of the last "Jubilee Audience" on Saturday.
The extraordinary Jubilee is in fact about to end: Tomorrow all of the Holy Doors of all the basilicas and sanctuaries in the world will close, except the one in St. Peter's, which will be closed by the Pope next Sunday.

Yesterday afternoon, for the last "mercy Friday" Francis met seven families formed by young men who have left the priesthood. The meeting, which took place in Ponte di Nona, a district in the extreme eastern suburbs of Rome.  According to a statement from the Vatican press office, the visit was "a sign of closeness and affection to these young men who have made the choice often not shared by their brother priests and family. 

After several years dedicated to the priestly ministry carried out in parishes it happened that loneliness, misunderstanding, fatigue for the great effort of pastoral responsibility have dealt a blow to their initial choice of the priesthood. " 

"In this way, again, Pope Francis wanted to give a sign of mercy to those who live a situation of spiritual and material distress, highlighting the need that no one feel they lack the love of their pastors, of solidarity."

Again with a view to the end of the Jubilee, now the Pope greeted and thanked "with particular affection" the volunteers of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. "You have been good!" And "thank you for the valuable service provided so that pilgrims could have a positive experience of faith. During these months, I noticed your discreet presence in the square with the Jubilee logo and have admired the dedication, patience and enthusiasm with which you have done your work. Thank you very much".

Speaking to those present in St Peter's Square, he reflected on "an important aspect of mercy: Inclusion. For God, in His plan of love, does not want to exclude anyone, but wants to include everyone. For example, through Baptism, he makes us His children in Christ, members of His Body which is the Church. And we Christians are encouraged to use the same criteria: mercy is the way we act, the style with which we try to include others in our life,  to avoid closing in on ourselves and our selfish securities ".

"Jesus gives a truly universal invitation:" Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, 
and I will give you rest "(11:28). No one is excluded from this call, because the mission of Jesus is to reveal to everyone the Father's love. It is up to us to open our hearts, trust in Jesus and accept this message of love, which makes us enter into the mystery of salvation. "

"This aspect of mercy, inclusion, is shown through arms that are wide open to welcome, not excluding; not classifying others according to social status, language, race, culture, religion: in front of us there is only one person to love as God loves. What I find in my work, and in my neighborhood, is a person to love, as God loves". But they are from that country, another country, of this religion, another ... they are people whom God loves and I have to love them".  This is what it means to include, and this is inclusion”.

"How many weary and oppressed are the people we meet today! In the street, in public offices, in doctors 'surgeries ... Jesus' gaze rests on each one of those faces, even through our eyes. And our heart? Is it merciful? And the way we think and act, is it inclusive? The Gospel calls us to recognize in the history of humanity the design of a great work of inclusion, which fully respects the freedom of every person, every community, every people, which calls everyone to form a family of brothers and sisters, in justice, solidarity and peace, and to be part of the Church, which is the body of Christ. "

"How true are the words of Jesus who invites those who are tired and weary to come to Him to find rest! His arms outstretched on the cross shows that no one is excluded from his love and his mercy. No one is excluded from his love and mercy, even the greatest sinner: none! All are included in his love and in His mercy. The most immediate expression with which we feel welcomed and included in Him is that of forgiveness. We all need to be forgiven by God. And we all need to meet brothers and sisters to help us to go to Jesus, to open ourselves to the gift he has given us on the cross. Let us not be obstacles to one another! We must not exclude anyone! In fact, humility and simplicity are the instruments of the inclusive mercy of the Father. This is how the Father's mercy is inclusive. The mother Holy Church prolongs the great embrace of Christ dead and risen in the world. Also this square, with its colonnade, express this embrace. Let us engage in this movement of inclusion of others, to be witnesses of the mercy with which God has accepted and welcomed all of us. "