"The Lord never gets tired of forgiving. Never! It is we who get tired to ask
for his forgiveness. Let us ask for the grace of never getting tired to ask for
forgiveness because He never gets tired of forgiving. Let us ask for this
grace," said Pope Francis at the end of his homily during the Mass he
celebrated this morning in the Church of Sant'Anna, the parish church of the
Vatican City.
Like a parish priest,
the pontiff celebrated the Mass in a simple and sober manner, without incense
and solemn processions, backed by a choir not always in tune, delivering his
homily from the ambo. Like a parish priest, he went to the church door to say
goodbye to each parishioner, hugging babies, talking to the faithful, moving some
to tears.
The pope's homily was
brief, delivered without a prepared text, and was centred on the Gospel of the Fifth
Sunday of Lent (John, 8:1-11), i.e.
the story of the woman caught in adultery.
After a moment of
silence before the lectionary, the pontiff said, "This is beautiful. Before,
Jesus alone on the mountain, praying. He was praying alone. Then, he went again
to the Temple, and all the people came to him. Jesus was in the middle of the people
who, eventually, left him alone with the woman."
"Jesus' solitude is
fruitful, that of praying with the Father; that, so beautiful, in today's
Church message, that of mercy towards this woman."
"There was a difference
among the people," he noted. "All the people came to him. He sat down and began
teaching them. Some people wanted to hear Jesus' words. They were the people with
an open heart, in need of the Word of God. But there were others who felt
nothing; they could not feel. They were the ones who went with the woman and
who wanted to condemn her."
"We too, I think, are [like]
this people who, on the one hand want to hear Jesus, and on the other like to
beat others, right? Condemn others, don't we? Condemn others. But Jesus'
message is one of mercy. For me-I say this with humility-the Lord's strongest
message is mercy. He said himself, 'Those who are healthy do not need a
physician, but the sick do. I have not come to call the righteous to repentance
but sinners."
"He comes to us when we
acknowledge that we are sinners," the pope added. "But if we are like the
Pharisee before the altar, [who said], 'Thank you, Lord, for not making me like
all the other men, and especially not like that fellow at the door, like that
publican . . .'. ' well, then we do not know the heart of the Lord, and we
shall not ever have the joy of feeling this mercy. It is not easy to trust
oneself to the mercy of God, because [His mercy] is an unfathomable abyss, but
we must do it."
"Father, if you just
knew my life, you would not talk to me like that! Why? What have you done? I
did bad things. It is better you go to Jesus. He likes it when you tell him
these stories. He forgets. He has the ability of forgetting, [which is] special.
He forgets [your sins], he kisses you, he hugs you, and he says to you, 'Neither
do I condemn you. Go, and from now on, sin no more!' Only that advice he gives
"If, after a month, we
are in the same conditions, we go back to the Lord. The Lord never gets tired
of forgiving us. Never! It is we who get tired of asking for forgiveness. Let us
ask for the grace of never tiring to ask for forgiveness because He never gets
tired of forgiving. Let us ask for this grace!"
Before the Mass ended,
the pope was greeted by the priest of the church and by Card Angelo Comastri,
archpriest of the Vatican basilica. Both welcomed his election, describing it
as a "new springtime for the Church".
At the ambo, the pope
introduced to the congregation some young priests from Argentina, currently in
Rome, and the auxiliary bishop of his former Archdiocese of Buenos Aires.
Before the entire assembly,
he singled one priest, Fr Gonzalo, who works with street kids and drug addicts
in Argentina where he has set up a school to give young people a job. As the pope
warmly hugged him, he said, "Pray for him!"
After that, the Holy
Father went outside the church to say goodbye to the faithful. Outside of the
church, near the Porta sant'Anna, a crowd was waiting and gave him a round of
applause, shouting "Francis, Francis!"