Kelly Rogers, author of recently released novel Numerous, (available at Amazon) has found the Vatican not only reticent, but contradictory, when she contacted them regarding a document written by a catholic Archbishop nearly a thousand years ago.
Malachy Morgair, the Archbishop of Armagh, was said to have presented his prophecy detailing papal names, coats of arms and even personal backgrounds of every future pope during a personal audience with Pope Innocent II in 1139.
According to his predictions the next pope, due to be elected after the current pope resigns on 28th February 2013, will be the last.
The author contacted the Archivum Secretum Vaticanum (the Vatican's Secret Archive) in Rome, just days prior to the current pope's resignation announcement, enquiring if the centuries long reports of the Papal Prophecy being stored in the Holy City's archives were accurate.
They soon replied stating they held no documents dating back as far as St Malachy's time in the 11th and 12th centuries.
Kelly then enquired as to the date of the oldest document in the archive and was informed that it was the Liber Diurnus, a code for the pontiff's offices dating back to 805 AD, a clear 334 years before Malachy's prophecy!
Not satisfied with the discrepancies in the reply, she then contacted the diocese of Armagh and the heads of the Catholic Church in Eire, Northern Island, England and even the US, who all declined to be drawn on the subject.
"There are claims that the document is a forgery written by Benedictine Arnold de Wyon in 1590. That would explain its accuracy prior to the 16th century, what it does not explain is its accuracy since," says the author.
"I thought that with the prophecy nearing its conclusion the Vatican would welcome confirming it as a fake and clear a much revered and respected archbishop's memory from inevitable speculation, after all he was canonised becoming Ireland's first ever saint. However, that wasn't the case; they were simply evasive and contradicted themselves."
The final prophecy writes of the persecution of the Holy Roman Church before the final pope takes the Holy seat, something currently being witnessed via almost daily negative press reports, scandals and whistle-blowing books.
The prophecy states, "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Petrus Romanus, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End."
The author of Numerous says. "I'm perplexed by the Vatican's contradictions about the dates of the documents in their archive; it seems a poor way to deny they have Malachy's prophecy. However, what really confounds me is why the popes since the prophecy came to light again in the 16th century, fit almost exactly with Malachy's prediction. It's the Vatican that selects the names and armorial coats of arms of popes, so it seems strange they chose ones that bear the prophecy out so precisely."
Numerous, reviewed as, "a complex thriller that will give Dan Brown a run for his money," is available on,, Nook, Kobo and other eBook formats.
Sample chapters of the book detailing the prophecy are available at