Thursday, November 03, 2011

Christian resistance in the Arab world

Holy See’s Iraqi ambassador Habeeb Mohammed Hadi Ali Al Sadr, during an interview on Radio Vaticana, has voiced his hope and preoccupation for the role of Christians in the Arab riots.
Al-Sadr's analysis stems from the fact that, due to the Arab riots, which have affected several countries in the Middle East, "Christians have to take difficult decisions and choose between an uncertain future in which the extremists might prevail and the support of totalitarian regimes.
 "The Arab Christians - said the ambassador - are part of the Arab social fabric; therefore they are affected as well by what is happening to such fabric, for better or for worse". "As for their concerns about the riots in their countries - he continued - we must understand their causes. These riots have also resulted in Christians who live in the Middle East having to take difficult decisions, such as supporting the totalitarian regimes, which have already hurt their citizens, or taking the unknown path which could lead to a radical and extremis government; a government able to get rid of that already limited religious freedom that the current regimes guarantee".
 "The uncertain scenario - added the ambassador - is offered by the rebellious Arab society that suffers from internal divisions as regards future changes, the leader of the movement, the identities of protesters and their visions. It is not clear what is going to happen. He also fears the lack of a satisfactory alternative. A trust-worthy alternative to steer the government and cope with the different positions on the protests".