St Colmcille of Iona (521-597) third patron of Ireland
Colmcille was born at Gartan, Co Donegal
and belonged to the Cenél Conaill, a branch of the Uí Néill dynasty. His
father was Feidhlimidh and his great grandfather was Niall Naoi
nGiallach who brought St Patrick as a slave to Ireland and gave his name
to the Uí Néill. His mother was Eithne, a princess from Leinster
where Christianity was well established.
He was christened Criomhthann,
meaning ‘fox’, and though he may have retained some fox-like traits, as a
young boy he would often be found in prayer and so was soon given the
name Colmcille ('the dove of the church'). Fostered first to a holy man
called Cruithnechan near Kilmacrennan, he then went to Leinster to a
Christian bard called Gemman, which accounts for his later closeness to
the filidh.
Training as a monk
Colmcille went for monastic
formation to Finian’s monastery at Movilla on Strangford Lough, Co Down,
where he studied theology and learned the arts of copying and
illuminating manuscripts. Here he became a deacon and later went on to
complete his education with St Mobhi at Glasnevin, Enda of Aran and
Finian of Clonard. Here he became friends with Canice of Dungiven and
Comgall of Bangor.
His own foundations in Ireland
Ordained a priest
around 546, Colmcille's first monastic foundation was close to his home
territory in Derry. His other major foundation in Ireland was at Durrow,
Co Laois (both have the name doire, meaning "oak tree").
the next seventeen years he continued teaching and preaching in Ireland.
The other houses associated with his name may have been founded by
monks of his community, either during his life-time or even centuries
afterwards – Swords, Kells, Drumcliffe, Moone, and Tory Island.
Why did he go into exile?
In 563 Colmcille left
Ireland and eventually settled on the island of Iona off the south-west
corner of Mull, off Scotland. His biographer Adamnán tells us that two
years after the battle of Cúl Dreimhne he went to Iona “wishing to be a
pilgrim for Christ”.
Adamnán’s method of dating his departure has led
many to speculate on the reasons for his leaving and the causes of the
battle. Most conclude that his exile was at least as political as it was
At Cúl Dreimhne in Co Sligo the northern Uí Néill fought
with and defeated the forces of Diarmuid Mac Cearbhaill, the so-called
high king, killing three thousand of his soldiers.
- One of the reasons suggested is that Colmcille was the protector of Curnan, son of the king of Connaught, who was killed by a member of King Diarmuid’s immediate family and that Colmcille, as his guarantor, had to avenge his death. This is what was said to have caused the battle.
- Another is the claim that Colmcille was angered by pagan elements that were manifest at the feis in Tara held to inaugurate Diarmuid’s reign.
- But the popular tradition is that Diarmuid had found Colmcille guilty in a 'breach of copyright' case. When he was a student of St Finian of Movilla Colmcille had copied a manuscript of St Jerome’s Psalter that Finnian had. Finian then claimed the copy as his and took his case to Diarmuid. Diarmuid’s famous judgment - 'To every cow her calf, and to every book its copy' - enraged Colmcille so much that it caused him to bring his clan to war against Diarmuid’s followers. Colmcille was held responsible and it is said that it was his guilt over this affair that prompted him to go into exile.
Iona 563
Colmcille remained in Scotland for most
of his remaining thirty-four years. At the monastic settlement in Iona,
he built up a large community devoted to prayer, study and physical
work. It also became a place of learning with the copying and
illumination of manuscripts that produced the Cathach of Colmcille (a 6th century copy of the psalms 30-150) and others like the Book of Kells.
The Picts had been at war with the Scots for three years before
Colmcille’s arrival. He evangelised at first among the Scots of Dal
Riada. After two years he made a visit - with Canice of Dungiven and
Comgall of Bangor - to meet the ruler of the northern Picts, King
Bruide, at Inverness. While he did not convert the king, the visit
confirmed his possession of Iona, brought more harmonious relations
between the Picts and the Scots of Dal Riada and paved the way for the
later spread of the gospel.
Convention of Druim Cett 575
Colmcille returned
to Ireland a number of times, most notably for a convention at Druim
Cett near Limavady, Co Derry, to sort out three items in which he had an
- The first was to negotiate a settlement between between Aedh, the over-king of the Uí Néill and Aedán, king of Dal Riada, part of which was in the north-east corner of Ireland and the remainder of which was in Scotland. This ended in a mutually benefical alliance.
- The second was to persuade the same Aedh of the Uí Néill to release a hostage, Scandlán, son of Colmán, king of Ossory, whom he had mistreated.
- The third was to negotiate some terms and conditions for the filidh, the ancient priestly caste, whose skill in history lore and poetry had been somewhat superseded by the Christian Church. They had become quite demanding on kings and princes, many of whom wanted rid of them. Colmcille, himself a trained poet, defended them. The outcome was that their number was reduced and their privileges curbed.
His character
Hypercritical historians dismiss Colmcille as a political if pragmatic interferer, but Adamnán’s Life
presents him as a kindly, prayerful man in tune with nature; he had a
real interest in and practical concern for people, he cured the sick,
helped rehabilitate the wayward, and provided the poor with the means of
feeding themselves.
Towards the end of his life, Colmcille
spent his time transcribing books and writing poetry. His strength
failed and even the monastery horse sensed this and began to mourn his
approaching death. He died in the church just before Matins.
Colmcille's influence dominated Ireland
and northern Britain for many years after his death. Monks from Iona
went to evangelise Northumbria and from there indirectly to other parts
of England. Monks from Ireland – Columban, for example – went into
exile as 'pilgrims for Christ' bringing the gospel to the continent.
The three patrons of Ireland
Along with Patrick and Brigid, Colmcille is regarded as one of the three patron saints of Ireland.