The secretary general of the Spanish Bishops’ Conference recently
remarked that the Pope's comments in the newly-released book, “Light of
the World,” do not legitimize the use of condoms.
Bishop Juan Antonio Martinez Camino noted on Nov. 26, at the
conclusion of the Spanish bishops' 96th plenary assembly, that the use
of condoms “always” takes place “within a context of immorality.”
he continued, it “can never be recommended.”
He said the Pope’s comments did not represent anything new in Church
teaching and therefore the Spanish bishops did not address the issue
during their meeting.
“There is no cause for alarm” for Catholics, he said, as they know
that the Church’s teachings “are not learned from news headlines” but
rather from “catechesis, religion classes and confession.”
Bishop Martinez underscored that the media has been filled with
“inaccurate headlines” about the Pope’s comments on condoms.
He added
that the book, “Light of the World,” by German journalist Peter Seewald,
is “an excellent introduction to what it means to be Christian.”
conveys “the perfect compatibility of the Christian faith with the
positive aspect of modernity” and it reveals “the heart and mind of the
Pope in order to interpret his actions and decisions properly.”