Saturday, June 26, 2010

Newman Institute to offer theology degree courses

The Newman Institute in Ballina, Co Mayo has launched a new four-year theology degree as part of an expansion of the range of its courses.

The Degree in Theology and Community Involvement will be offered this year in association with St Angela’s College in Sligo and the National University of Ireland, Galway.

Director Fr Muredach Tuffy said that the initiative was the realisation of one dream and the beginning of another for the ten-year old institution which was founded by former bishop of Killala Thomas Finegan and which up to now, has only been offering one–year certificate and two-year diplomas in theology.

In the past year, the Institute has also moved location to purpose-built premises in the grounds of St Muredach’s Cathedral.

Fr Tuffy said the new course was targeted, in particular, at people who want to broaden their faith, teachers who want to expand their skills or become religion teachers and people aiming for careers in chaplaincy work.

“A lot of people think the courses are just about theology but they can open a lot more doors than you think,” he remarked.

“We are looking to the future of the Church and empowering the laity with responsibility but in order to do that they need to know what the Church is about and how it works through practical and academic training.”

Apart from its core educational remit, the move to the new building has enabled the Newman Institute to provide family support and counselling services and offer conference room facilities for local groups and retreats.

Communications Director Sr Attracta Tighe said that the Institute sought to be of benefit to everyone and was keen to interact with local groups as well as “empowering people through education and practical experience.”