The Archbishop of Mexico City, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, expressed hope this week that not everything in the world is lost because the world is sustained through prayer.
“Nevertheless, the dark reality of evil is stands out most. But good will always triumph, although kindness goes unnoticed,” the cardinal said.
“If world has not collapsed it is because of so much prayer and sacrifice that rises up from this valley of tears towards the Kingdom of Grace and of the Beauty of God,” he said during Mass for the Feast of Corpus Christ.
There are many people who seek to do good, he pointed out, such as parents who educate their children in the faith, politicians who strive to ensure the well-being of the people, doctors who defend life from the moment of conception, and many other men and women “who go against the tide to bear witness to the truth.”
Cardinal Rivera also urged the faithful to draw close to the Eucharist, the “source of humanization: the incarnate Word comes down from heaven to encounter his brothers and sisters of mankind face to face, and he walks with them, guiding them by the hand so they do not succumb” to the pressures of modernity.