Thursday, June 24, 2010

Anna Nolan: Why couldn't bishops just keep their big mouths shut on homosexuality?

They could have kept their mouths shut.

They could have simply said nothing.

But no, the Irish bishops had to spoil my long drive home to Dublin as I listened to their radio statement on the Civil Partnership Bill.

I know they are against the Civil Partnership Bill, and are anti-homosexual.

I know the Pope thinks being gay is evil and I know that we are going to hell.

But there was a teeny tiny hope that the bishops would have listened to how the majority of people felt about this Bill and kept quiet.

I didn't want them to be on the Gay Pride March this weekend. I didn't want them out at the summer solstice chanting, "All people are equal".

I just thought they might have said nothing.

Because I say nothing when I see priests. I don't march up to them and say, "Your Church has destroyed the lives of thousands of people in this country because of the abuse you inflicted on people".

I don't say to bishops, "You know that living a celebrate life is damaging, unnecessary, debilitating and sometimes dangerous".

For years, and even today, homosexuality was seen as some sort of sexual deviance, that by being gay you were sexually abnormal. Yet we have learned that the most abnormal sexual behaviour in this country was by priests.

I sat in my car when I heard their statement and I was filled with rage. For the first time, I hasten to add.

Because I don't mind that some people find homo-sexuality unsettling. I understand some people find it disgusting. I don't have to like this attitude, but I understand.

I under-stand some people think it is evil. I do accept if you are Catholic and obey the Pope's teachings, homosexuality is evil.

They are some people's thoughts and feelings. They are entitled to them. The same way I think that celibacy is wrong and feel it is pointless.

But I would never release a statement saying celibacy should be stopped.

I would never have the audacity and ignorance to demand that priests and bishops lead a sexual life different to what they choose.

I respect difference and I respect people's choice.

There was a part of me that thought Irish priests and bishops might have wanted to be part of a modern, diverse country that is happy to promote equality.

How naive of me.