The Irish Mission Support Centre has reported an increase in the number of newsagents ordering the alternative, Sacred Heart Mission cards, indicating a shift away from the commercial Mass cards.
The Charities Act, which the President signed into law this week, tackles the proliferation of bogus Mass cards by making it a criminal offence to sell a Mass card not authorised by a Catholic bishop.
Retailers warning
The shift also follows a warning from the Convenience and Newsagents Association (CSNA) to its members to heed the concerns of Catholic bishops on the abuse of the Mass card system.
''As retailers, we need to be assured the products we sell are fit for the purpose that they are intended; as such concerns expressed by the bishops must be considered very seriously,'' a recent CSNA newsletter read.
The legislation represents a victory for Irish missionary organisations who have lobbied the Government for years for regulation of the Mass card system.
Legal challenge
Meanwhile, senior Government sources indicated to The Irish Catholic this week that the Government is confident that the legislation would stand up to any legal challenge.
''A lot of time and effort was put into getting the restrictions on Mass cards right. That particular section of the Act was with the Attorney General for a long time.''
Legal opinion from Former Attorney General John Rogers, read during a Seanad debate last week, stated that the section dealing with Mass cards was a restriction of Article 44 of the Constitution which guarantees the free profession and practice of religion.
However, the Government sources said contacts with the Churches indicated that the concerns expressed are ''unfounded''.
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(Source: IC)