Austin was born in Tipperary on January 10, 1925.
He joined the Dominican Order in 1943 and ordained a priest in June 1950.
Immediately after the War he studied in Oxford with Dominicans from other European countries, including Dominicans from Germany.
This was an attempt at reconciliation by the Order and the English Dominican Province. Also with Austin in Oxford was Fr Finbar Matthew Kelly, who is now in the Dominican Priory in Kilkenny.
Austin was one of the most well-known Irish Dominicans of his time.
During and after the Vatican Council he made available in English all the documents from the event.
At the helm of Dominican Publications, he was in a position to make available a wide range of religious publications to the general public.
He broke away from the clerical mind set of his time and spoke in a language that was appealing and made sense in a changing Ireland.
Austin had the great ability of making life-long friends with people across a wide spectrum of beliefs and ideas.
He had a great love for the Order and felt at home at St Saviour's in Dublin where he spent most of his Dominican life.
Some years ago German Railways named one of their InterCity trains after St Albert The Great.
It was something Austin took great pride in and any time he met anyone with German connections he would make it his business to tell them about it.
Austin was well respected by his Dominican colleagues and those who lived with him speak fondly of a man, who was gracious and kind.
May he rest in peace.
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Sotto Voce
(Source: Pvt)