...Irish economy to cause rate of divorce to rise, RC bishop calls for 'zero tolerance' policy, Gospel fulfillment with ordination of women, bishop calls for prison reform, Il Papa and Iran PM no meet, Diocese of Killaloe unease, fine of CSA priest described as an insult, Milingo continues with mission, Russian Orthodox threaten to quit talks with Anglicans, Vatican archive now in Sydney, Gregorian chant highlighted...
...Medjugorje now described as evil, Womenpriests not a splinter group, Fr Damien closer to sainthood, nuns chain themselves at Vatican in protest, RC priest now elected UN General Assembly president, ordination of 1st Czech married RC priest, Holy See in Hanoi, Spain wants next WYD, oldest church found in Jordan, Milingo a victim or villian, cleric claims RC church is hierarchial...
...Il Papa against illicit trafficking, Anglican Church split over female bishop, cardinal warning over disunity in Anglicanism, 1 in 10 Americans ex-RC, RC Church offers therapy to cure gays, priest bans autistic child from church...
...diocese in denial, ban against gays in seminaries is to stay, JPII beatification in 2009, No to Lisbon Treaty, major demand in Germany for exorcisms, Christian-Jewish relations 'difficult', final canonical approval for Neocathechumenal Way, AB meets Dalai Lama, Hitler's mad plan to sack the Vatican, Latvian priest declared righteous, end of era for Christian Brothers...
...Il Papa intent on visiting Holy Land, Anglican Communion at an end(?), Irish Catholic Newspaper blunders, 2012 Eucharistic Congress for Dublin, Il Papa & SSPX to unite (?), Anglican bishops to defect to Rome, no Prada for Il Papa, indulgence for WYD08 (?), nun for sainthood, launch of Pauline Year...
...Solemnity of Ss Peter & Paul unite Il Papa & Patriarch, Il Papa to apologise to CSA victims Down Under, new bishop installed in Down & Conor, love rat priest to sue RC Church, SSPX respond to Vatican ultimatum, Anglican schism becoming evident, Medjugorje under investigation by Vatican, legacy of Mother Teresa, Irish AB receives pallium...
...and thus ends the month of the Sacred Heart (June).