The month of May opens with compensation to children whose images were used in a film about paedo priest, human rights and abortion also top the agenda, call to ordain married men and women to priesthood, erratic behaviour causes resignation of bishop...
...Il Papa comments on abuse, Fr Damian of the lepers on path to sainthood, Ascension Thursday celebrated, no gay clergy = no church says bishop, hispanic AB for NY (?), Il Papa to holiday in New Zealand, crucifixes prevent Holy Land visit, no Time cover for Il Papa, 2nd female Anglican bishop appointed in as many weeks...
...Ncube mistress dies, new French shrine could rival Lourdes, another female ordained, German churches for sale, Swiss Guards sworn in, Canterbury meets Rome, NI visit to be yet decided by Il Papa, call to combat child porn by bishops, Europe needs religion, nude cardinal niece makes point...
...October beatification for JPII, internal Vatican pressure over CSA, possible communion between RC and Orthodox Armenians, new Anglican bishop for Irish diocese, Vatican v's Spain, divisive seminary to close, Latin on Vatican website...
...1st RC church in Saudi Arabia, 40th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae, cursing priest back on pulpit, broken marriage a ticking timebomb, Il Papa stumbles at Pentecost ceremonies, elevation of Cardinal Bertone, Oscar Schindler remembered...
...Vatican art, US priest en route to beatification, Irish RC bishops withdrawing slowly from Irish education system, Turkey no to returning church, gay ok being gay a sin says RC bishop, Pauline Year indulgences granted, saviour of 2500 Jewish children dies...
...Bishop Wishy Washy (Killaloe) accuses parents of snubbing schools with non-national students, Aussie bishops disown their own bishop when he speaks controversially, Colombia cross controversy, Vatican endorses belief in aliens, Il Papa no to same sex...
...Cardinal Gantin dies, Il Papa grey eminence, Papal mystery, Papal rosary recitation on CD, Il Papa says thanks for virgins, Rome diocese now has a Latin Tridentine parish, Il Papa links Eucharist to Marriage, Il Papa blames media for harming society...
...call for RC to recognise homophobia, Il Papa, gays and world peace, Vatican -v- Spain, Il Papa speaks of importance of ecclesial communities, Aussie Episcopalian Church split on ordination of female bishop, cardinal warning on Anglican disunity, Austria's singing monks...
...Irish RC bishop unveils permanent diaconate plan, RC Polish church 'curing' gays, priest bans autistic child from church, Il Papa anti-cluster bombs, universal ban on gays in seminaries says Vatican, AB appoints episcopal vicar, cardinal says gay ok but act is not...
...JPII beatification in 2009, Gene Robinson calls for 'gay christianity', cardinal seeks latin Mass in every parish, moving pope statues in Malta, bishop says children responsibility of family not government, Moscow no to reconciliation document, nuns attacked in India, NO to Lisbon Treaty...
...Jewish youths burn Christian texts, German demand for exorcisms grows, Turin Shroud to undergo further testing, 1st Anglican Australian female bishop, Christian-Jewish relations 'difficult', final canonical approval for Neocatechumenal Way, Vatican celebrates Darwin...
...parishes must prepare to share priests, Cardinal Egan's moves, Hitler's mad plot to sack the Vatican, Church of England faces exodus over female ordination, crucified frog controversy, cardinal says gay parades are unlawful, 36 new priests for Opus Dei, RC numbers of seminarians on upward rise, new Methodist leader in Ireland...
...obedience is important, vocation of women, new papal encyclical due in autumn, legacy of St Gregory the Great, 2 female Aussie Anglican bishops, confronting Bishop Robinson, St Stanislaus excommunications, Irish bishop admits priest shortage now causing difficulties...
...RC bishop bashing is wrong, female ordinations not recognised and excommunications are executed, Church of England closer to appointing female bishops, Vatican to join Interpol, Aussie bishop backs Papal CSA apology, Irish RC bishops comment on Lisbon Treaty...
...NY Archdiocese in turmoil (Egan again!!), Il Papa 3rd encyclical - Love In Truth, Papal trip Down Under details published, Gregorian CD of chant rackets up the charts, clergy call on Il Papa to lift celibacy requirement...and with the final word from Sotto Voce, the month of Mary comes to an end and we enter into June the month of the Sacred Heart.