Beginning of CW reflection on the Rosary, nuns brawl again, Christianity in Australia declining in numbers, East to meet West(?), Papal Liturgist to step down to take up more global role, euthanasia in Vatican(?)...
New Patriarch of Romanian Orthodox Church enthroned, drunken Polish priest, Irish church to reduce role in education, CSA by nuns, Anglican Church re-assesses baptism, Church of Ireland rector on pornography charges...
Mother Teresa miracle, Bishop Burke refuses communion to Giuliani, Irish RC wants money to hand over schools to State (always down to money with them anyway!!), anti-gay Patriarch in EuroParliament, nun appeals to Il Papa in convent row...
No papal visit to Ireland, Il Vaticano buys a soccer team, nuns out to allow sale of property for CSA victims compo cash, Cardinal Bully down under, Il Papa says RC church no tax privileges, anti-il papa graffiti in Naples...
NCPI to cease after 31 years, cat tells Il Papa life story, Vatican Christmas tree from Italy in 2007, Black Madonna pilgrimage, clerical collar equals danger...
NHS cuts affect chaplaincies in UK hospitals, Irish education not fair to non-RC's, Irish bishops state laity need be given more power (took them a while!), Protestant Christian killed in Gaza, new Iraqi seminary opens...
Montreal cemetery issue resolved, Il Papa and Jewish heads meet, life as priest in Israel still dangerous, Il Papa letter being stopped in China, cleric in love sacked, divorce on rise in Europe, importance of prayer in St Peters important says Il Papa...
Il Papa wants prayer of unity, priest sent for life sentence, nuns out of rebel convent, Galway Diocese Child Protection Policy issued, Europe entrusted to Our Lady, Irish topless bar under verbal clerical assault, more PC madness as airport worker suspended for Jesus image...
Cardinal says RC church needs to be louder re:abortion, Anglican bishop to boycott Lambeth, clerical censorship in Ireland, Sotto Voce on a break for few days, Vatican suspends high ranking 'gay' cleric, new document post motu proprio...
Appeal for release of kidnapped clerics, Irish Anglican bishops' wife becomes RC, Il Papa and profit, Milingo minus Vatican passport, Il Papa writes 2nd encyclical, Mexican cardinal cleared in CSA case...
Christian struggle with homosexuality, UK Templars seek apology from Vatican, Irish bishop 'donates' land to elderly, Brady to become 3rd living Irish cardinal, list of new cardinals announced, Thurles seminary takes new route in education...
Vatican in need of internal cleansing says high ranking cardinal, miracle of Newman may speed up beatification, 'race hate' priest interviewed by Met Police, friction between AJC and RC in relation to WYD08...
...and thus ends our first half trip into this month.... ...and we thus enter into the latter half of the month of the Rosary with the news of priests being abducted in Mosul, a priest to appeal his excommunication for breaking the Seal of Confession, the role and importance of the laity is under the microscope...
Spanish beatifications causes a stir in Rome and Spain, insight into importance of being named cardinal, Ireland will get a new cardinal on November 24th thus having historical 3 cardinals alive at same time (only 1 will be eligible vote in conclave due to age restrictions), suspended 'gay' priest in Vatican name shame list, Vatican takes firm stance with Muslims...
Traditional Anglicans seek reunification with Rome, Il Papa in Ulster visit (??), a sneak peek in the Vatican Secret Archives, beatification of Nazi objector, Anglican Synod to discuss female bishops, Anglican abuse of children ignored for decades...
Anglican Bishop wife becomes RC, Irish RC Church regaining voice, Argentinian RC priest convicted of war crimes, Apocalypse in Vatican, theologians fear loss of intellectual freedom...
Australian nun closer to sainthood, clergy can save church not bureaucrats, Vatican seeking return of property in Russia, sex and Christianity, RC ban on condom causing spread of HIV/AIDS, Chavez slams RC Church...
UK abortion concerns expressed by UK cardinals, Padre Pio a fake (??), Pell not concerned with climate, Mother Teresa JPII and fastrack Saints, Anglican-RC statement on Virgin Mary, bishop challenged in Vatican by Archpriest...
No religious education in Swedish schools, Anglican Irish parishes seek communion with Rome, John XXIII believed Padre Pio to be a fraud, Brazil wants host 2011 Youth Day, porn exhibit in cathedral, Fr Damian close to sainthood, US visit by Il Papa schedule...
Cardinal book lets few secrets out, RC Church bars gay ex-hostage, Anglican Church promises to root out decades old sex abuse cases, gay baby campaign condemned by Vatican, talking saves marriages, priest admits stealing thousands from parish funds, mosques a test of faith for RC in Germany...
Vienna hosts world first divorce fair, Martin Luther and 95 Theses, Orthodox and RC agreement but not on Papal primacy, bloggers under threat in Italy, Christ Peter and the Papacy, cardinals by geography, papal labour law...
US female ambassador to Vatican, 5 nuns assaulted, new RC leader in Moscow, Scottish abortion battle, Danish web upsets RC's, more 'no' than 'yes' in marriage, Poland counts its RC members, PSNI investigating CSA in Northern Ireland RC Church...
Ireland moving on same sex legislation, feature on Rosary comes to an end after month long reflection on Mysteries of Rosary, beatification back street fights, Sri Lanka Anglican Church in crisis, Il Papa says no to pill, Britney sets RC pulses throbbing...
Vatican says no to Muslims, Vatican becomes unChristian with mass evictions, Aussie Pell supports gay discrimination, Polish Cardinal going to big screen, Ireland divorce shambles, Mexico RC criticises Hallowe'en, and round off the month with a religious perspective on Hallowe'en...
My dear friends, this month has now come to an end, and it has indeed been busy but November will prove to be as busy with it being the month of the Deceased and also will see the Consistory taking place on 24th November and also the season of Advent shall also begin.
With Advent, as with Lent earlier this year, a symbolic picture shall be placed alongside with a daily reflection being posted for your own spiritual journey towards that blessed season of Christmas...and I hope you can take the journey with me...
To you all again, many thanks for taking the time to drop in and click on this blogspot (186,734 hits) and with 3,683 postings to keep you interested, no doubt the 200,000 hits and 4,000 postings barriers will yet be breached by the time this site reaches its 1st birthday on December 15th 2007...
Míle buíochás
Sotto Voce