Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Call for urgent address to delays faced by survivors of Mother and Baby Homes

Delays in payments under the Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme are causing significant distress to those affected a local TD has said.

Sinn Féin spokesperson on Education, Sorca Clarke, called on Minister Roderic O’Gorman to address the delays faced by survivors of Mother and Baby Homes in receiving payments under the Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme.

Of the 5,025 applications made, just 1,306 payments have been made to survivors or are being processed. Around 34,000 people are eligible to apply under the Scheme.

Deputy Clarke said: "Out of 5,035 applications made before 2nd September 2024, only 2,448 notices of determination have been delivered and a mere 1,306 payments have been made or are in the middle of being processed.  These excessive delays cause significant distress.

"The figures I have received from the Minister revealing the average processing times that Survivors of Mother and Baby Homes face in having their application to the Payment Scheme being determined is entirely unacceptable. An average of 70 days waiting to see if your application is successful is not good enough.

Sinn Féin spokesperson on Education said the delays are unacceptable: "Those who have contacted the Department to enquire on the status of their applications or due payments, have been left anything-but satisfied with the response received. Questions are frequently left unanswered – showing a clear lack of transparency and engagement. I have also raised this with the Minister, and I am pleased to learn that he will raise this issue with the Chief Deciding Officer of the Scheme."

Deputy Clarke demanded action: "In addition to the long waiting times, we have seen the exclusion of approximately 24,000 from the Scheme due to the cold 6-month rule. We have also learned that Minister O’Gorman is preparing to contest the legal challenges taken by those excluded. It is clear that the Scheme itself and its approach does not provide the respect that all Survivors deserve.

"I am calling on the Minister to address the operation of the Scheme as soon as possible. The Minister also needs to look at the fact that so few eligible to apply have applied to date," the Sinn Féin spokesperson concluded.