Monday, September 09, 2024

Archbishop Gössl: "Changes exhausting and unpopular"

The Bamberg Archbishop Herwig Gössl considers changes in the Catholic Church to be unavoidable. 

"Changes will not fail, even if they are exhausting and unpopular," said Gössl in Speyer on Saturday. But they are also a sign of vitality. It is crucial that it is always about "the question of God and his will".

At a service at the start of the joint training of pastors and chaplains in his church province, Gössl expressed himself. 

In addition to its archbishopric, the municipalities of Würzburg, Eichstätt and Speyer.  

Prospective priests, pastoral and parish experts of the four dioceses are now being trained in conjunction. 

The group currently has 19 people.

The Archbishop said that the cooperation was initiated by financial and personnel. 

But it could also be an impulse to deepen what is the core of all activities as a Church. 

The question of God's will is "the synodal question par excellence". 

An answer to this will be found only in listening to God and to each other.