Friday, December 01, 2023

Catholic Bishops in Malawi Laud Government for Efforts in Fighting HIV/AIDS

Members of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) have lauded the government of the Southern African nation for implementing policies they say have gone a long way in combating the spread of HIV/AIDS in the country.

In their statement released Friday, December 1 on the occasion of World AIDS Day (WAD), the Bishops lauded the country's Ministry of Health, especially, for integrating HIV/AIDS in health programs and services that are provided by most of the health facilities in the country.

The Catholic Bishops applauded the ministry for introducing self-testing services to create more awareness on medical condition.

They noted that the use of “an expert client approach, the defaulters tracing initiatives, and comprehensive training of health workers” has gone a long way in inhibiting the spread of HIV.

The initiatives, they noted, continue to support the country to perform better “in the adopted, determined, and ambitious internationally recognized 95, 95, 95 UNAIDS targets to end the epidemic by 2030.”

Meanwhile, the ECM members have called for communal support of people living with the virus.

“Our communities, our families, and as a Church we should be leading in connecting people living with HIV/AIDS to people-centered public health services, build trust, and support innovative ideas,” they say.

The Bishops say that the community can also support by monitoring the implementation of policies and services and hold government and health providers accountable on AIDS and other public health issues.

The Bishops have underscored the importance of adequate funding in ending the spread of HIV, noting that efforts of many communities against the virus are thwarted by the funding shortage.

“We all remember that adequate funding for AIDS and other health services, high level of community advocates for improved health services, and adequate health workers, who are ready to support and provide health services are essential to the ultimate goal of ending AIDS by 2030,” they say.

World AIDS Day was established in 1988 to “honor AIDS victims and focuses on prevention and treatment issues surrounding HIV and AIDS.”

This year’s theme is “Let Communities Lead”. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the theme is “a call to action to support and empower communities to take on leadership roles, rather than just celebrating the accomplishments of individual communities.”

According to Bishops in Malawi, the 2023 World AIDS Day is “more than a celebration of the achievements the communities have made in the fight against the pandemic.” Rather, it is “a call to action and support communities in their leadership roles and their effort to fight AIDS.”