Friday, December 02, 2016

ARGENTINA - A priest and a newspaper against drugs which destroy the young

Image result for Father Mariano OberlinFather Mariano Oberlin carries out, together with the parents of children who have had serious problems with drugs, a constant struggle against this scourge that affects the city of Cordoba and the neighborhood in which he works. 

He has been the pastor of the Crucifixión del Señor parish since 2010, in Müller district, known as "hell" for many young people who fall into drug addiction and who survive on the streets.

In the first month after his arrival in the parish three young people died because of drugs. 

Therefore, with the help of the provincial and national institutions, he built a very poor house, where today 10 children live and 10 others are temporary guests, a school and two workshops to learn a trade.

According to the note sent to Fides by the newspaper of Cordoba "La Voz", the priest is counting on very few resources to maintain this activity, including the same newspaper that together with the priest constantly denounces the emergency situation due to lack of support of the health authorities and government.

Now drug trafficking: marijuana, cocaine, alcohol and other drugs, takes place in the open, and it is almost normal to see children half-naked wandering the streets or leaning against the walls of the houses because they have no strength or health.

Drug use and also the spread of drugs in the Argentine territory are increasing among young people (see Fides 05/03/2014; 28/03/2014). 

A year ago the Argentine Episcopal Conference (CEA) published the document "No to drugs, Yes to a full life", in which they asked to recognize drugs as "a national tragedy."