In 2011, Luis Martinez, 29,
traveled to Madrid, almost by accident. He said it was destiny that took
him from his home in Fresnillo, Mexico, as a pilgrim to World Youth
Someone could not go at the last minute, and he ended up taking the
James Kelliher, 27, was also there, visiting from London. He said his
country can be "aggressively secular," something that challenges him to
think about what he believes and ultimately landed him in Madrid among
millions of young Catholics from all over the world.
Both said the pilgrimage changed their lives, so much that they are now
volunteering in Rio de Janeiro, preparing for 2 million pilgrims that
will arrive in the city July 23-28 for World Youth Day. In addition,
Pope Francis will make his first international trip to attend the event.
Martinez arrived in Rio in January, Kelliher in February. Kelliher said
he cannot get enough Guarana, one of Brazil's most popular soft drinks,
while Martinez wondered how he ended up "in the only country in the
world where they eat avocado with sugar and milk." He thinks it should
be with salt, as served in his beloved guacamole.
About 4,500 international volunteers will contribute to World Youth Day;
an additional 55,500 Brazilian volunteers are lending a hand.
Martinez works as the Spanish language volunteer coordinator, a vital
role because the majority of international volunteers speak Spanish.
Kelliher works as the social media English coordinator and in May became
co-author of "World Youth Day: Inspiring Generations," a book of
testimonies from those who have attended past pilgrimages.
"I was so inspired by the event that I felt I had to do more things with
my faith," Kelliher said. "It can be difficult being a young Catholic
these days; I wanted to do something to help young people feel they
weren't alone."
Martinez said people often look for happiness in places where it cannot
be found. He said he has come to realize that happiness is expressed
automatically among those who share the same faith.
"I am without words for the people of Rio de Janeiro," Martinez said.
"When they open their doors to you, they open them all the way, not
Martinez lives with a young host couple, Leandro and Danielle Franca, in
Vila Isabel, a middle-class neighborhood known for its samba. The
couple is one of more than 20,000 families hosting volunteers and
In July, the Francas will welcome five more pilgrims into their
two-bedroom apartment. Leandro Franca said opening the couple's home is
an expression of their Catholic faith and at the same time a rich
cultural exchange.
Martinez is learning Portuguese, and the Francas are picking up Spanish,
while incorporating Martinez's guacamole into their diet.
Rio de Janeiro is one of the most expensive cities in the Western
Hemisphere, and the cost of hotel rooms in the city has risen 50 percent
in the past two years. Ines San Martin, a World Youth Day press
officer, said the international event would not be possible without
volunteers such as Martinez and Kelliher and host families such as the
"Host families are particularly important in receiving with open arms
pilgrims who, for diverse reasons, travel alone to the event," San
Martin said. "Being received by a family, these pilgrims feel more like
part of a group than if they were to stay with already formed groups of
Martinez and Kelliher have seen less of their host families as they log
long hours in the office. Churches across Rio de Janeiro continue to
urge members of their parishes to open their doors to pilgrims, as more
homes are needed to take on the large number of youth.
Leandro Franca said while Brazilians are people of faith, he hoped World
Youth Day would ignite what he called a "sleeping faith" in the people
of Rio.
"We are doing all this work because World Youth Day will leave its mark
on our hearts, on the people we've come to help, on the pilgrims and,
above all, on the city," he said.