also said comprehensive compensation was needed for survivors of
Magdalene laundries including unpaid wages and pensions and rehab for
forced labour, a watchdog has claimed.
In its Follow-up Report on State Involvement with Magdalen Laundries,
published today (Tuesday), the IHRC found “the State failed in its
obligations to protect the human rights of girls and women in the
It called for “a comprehensive redress
scheme that provides individual compensation, restitution and
rehabilitation for the women in accordance with the State’s human rights
This followed its review of the facts set out in the report of the Interdepartmental Committee
chaired by Senator Martin McAleese, presented to Government last
February and, after it revisited its own 2010 report “in light of
information now available”.
It concluded: “Girls
and women placed in the Magdalene laundries did not have their human
rights fully respected in relation to equality, liberty, respect for
private lives, education, and to be free from forced or compulsory
labour or servitude.”
Des Hogan, acting chief
executive of the IHRC told the media today that the mandate of the
McAleese Committee was fact-finding only.
“It had no remit to consider
the human rights law or indeed any legal implications of the placement
of girls and women in the laundries by the State and other actors”, he
“Our report takes the facts established in the McAleese report and
filters them through the prism of the human rights obligations ofthe
State,” he said.
He noted “the duty of the State
to vindicate the rights of its citizens under the Constitution and under
international human rights law. Our report today focuses on this duty.”
Lucey, senior enquiry and legal officer with the IHRC, emphasised that
it was “not an investigative report. It is a human rights analysis
drawning from all the information at our disposal, including the
additional information which has come to light through the McAleese
The McAleese report considered “only the
actual acts of State engagement with the laundries”, while the IHRC
reflected on “the wider issue of State responsibility.”
This included
its “actual engagement” with the laundries through, for example,
commercial contracts for laundry services, its use of laundries as State
remand or social care facilities, and whether it exercised “due
diligence” over what went on in the laundries where compulsory or forced
labour was concerned,for instance.
commissioner Prof Siobhán Mullally said they were calling “for a
comprehensive redress scheme that provides individual compensation for
the impact of the human rights violations which occurred to each
individual woman who resided in the laundries.”
What was clear “is that the issue of remedies is not a case of one size fits all,” she said.
laundries were commercial enterprises that operated on a low cost basis
to provide services to the public and indeed the State,” she said. “I’m
sure it is a shock for all of us to learn that the State benefitted
from services that were based o n forced or compulsory labour in the
Formally launching the report, acting chair of the IHRC Mark Kelly also called for “the formal appointment of a Chief Commissioner designate and the completion of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Bill.”
The IHRC issued other recommendations which included:
Restitution and rehab for survivors including housing, health and
welfare, education and assistance to deal with psychological effects.
The State should scrutinise its interactions with other parties to
ensure regulatory and oversight functions are robust enough to prevent
human rights breaches.
- Independent and prompt investigations into all credible allegations of abuse.
Immediate introduction of compulsory inspections of residential centres
for people with disabilities by the Health Information and Quality
- Reform laws to ensure a rigorous
system of accountability and oversight in relation to the granting of
licenses for exhumations and cremations.