Tuesday, June 04, 2013

AussieMite pulls controversial ad after Catholic backlash

An ad for AussieMite which appeared to deliberately poke fun at the Catholic religion has been pulled with a groveling apology from the makers of the product, reports B & T.

The “Sacrilicious” ad, which shows a worshipper dipping a communion host in a tub of the spread, a rival to Vegemite, which the brand said was “probably not to everyone’s taste”.

But a furious reaction from many Catholics on the brand’s Facebook page, calling for a boycott and asking Coles and Woolworths not to stock it, has led to the climb down.

In a statement posted over the weekend they said: “We sincerely apologise for any offence caused. It was never the intention to do so, but we recognise that for some it did.

“We have listened to your comments and removed any and all instances of the campaign from our social media channels.

“We are a small family-owned company looking to establish ourselves and a product we believe in and love.

“We sincerely hope that this will not dissuade you from buying AussieMite in the future."