If Bishop Richard Williamson really is expelled from the Society of St. Pius X, he may well set up his own organization and take some people with him, as our news story suggests.
But that won’t keep the SSPX from being hoist with its own petard.
Williamson has ample precedent for claiming the necessity defense and
declaring that, no matter what anybody says, he remains a faithful
bishop in the SSPX and in the Catholic Church.
Indeed, if Williamson, after being expelled, were to continue to
claim he is either a faithful member of the SSPX or a faithful member of
the Church, this would serve only to demonstrate once again the
bankruptcy of the position of the SSPX with respect to the Catholic
It will also demonstrate the Protestant-like separatism inherent in
all movements which refuse to accept and obey the authority of the Vicar
of Christ.
The need to deal with Williamson ought to give the SSPX
pause, prompting it to flee back to Rome for its very life.