Monday, September 24, 2012

Parents protest priest after alleged sexual allegations

Rolando Garcia Priest Sex Abuse LawsuitSeveral parents protested at a Catholic school over pastor who was allegedly named in a sexual lawsuit and remains at the school.
Parents protested at St. Agatha Catholic School Tuesday night. 

One side wants Father Rolando Garcia removed from the Catholic School while the other side supports Garcia. 

"Simply put, I don't feel comfortable with him at the school, and I think it is appropriate for him to be moved," said parent Erica Garcia.

The two sides are at odds because Father Garcia was named in another lawsuit alleging he abused a young boy at another church in the 1980s. "My position is we are judging a priest without having anything from a court," said a supporter.

The Archdiocese of Miami previously settled a lawsuit against Father Garcia in 2007. Garcia, a pastor of the school's Catholic church, regularly interacts with children, and parents are concerned.

According to the Archdiocese of Miami, they have given Garcia a polygraph, which he passed and have allowed to him to remain as pastor.

Parents are so worried, though, they have organized an on-line petition and want him to be removed until the second lawsuit is settled in court. 

"As parents, we are a little bit concerned there is a new allegation against Father Garcia," said parent Sebastian Rejon.

Father Garcia denies all allegations.