Saturday, September 22, 2012

Argentina archdiocese laments sex abuse allegations against priest

The Archdiocese of Parana, Argentina voiced sorrow over the actions of Father Justo Jose Ilarraz, who is accused of sexually abusing at least 50 children over the span of eight years.

“The latest news reports cause us great shame and immense sorrow over the most serious crimes committed by someone who ought to serve the moral life of the people by his example and teaching,” the archdiocese said in a Sept. 13 statement.

According to the archdiocese, Fr. Ilarraz abused children between the ages of 12 and 14 at the Seminary of Parana from 1984 to 1992.

It also announced that the Archbishop of Parana and the Bishop of Concepcion de Tucuman have taken steps to remove the accused priest from ministry “until the Holy See resolves his situation.”

The archdiocese concluded its statement saying, “The Church, which always wants to proceed in accord with the gospel and justice, prays to the Lord for total fidelity to his will.”