The beatification of John Paul II,
scheduled on May 1, is awaited with great joy by Vietnamese Catholics,
who remember how, thanks to his encouragement and his support, they have
been given an opportunity to contribute the pastoral and social
activities of the Church and their country.
Now they hope for a better future. Something has been done to ensure that, when the future arrives, they will be better equipped and ready to face it.
Areas such as health care, social activities, formation and education are especially important in Catholics' concern for their people.
John Paul II’s statements have affirmed as much, particularly those aimed at young people, for whom he had a spcial love, on the occasion of the 1995 World Youth Day, which was celebrated in Manila, the Philippines, "you young people are the hope of the Church", " you can ask all these questions: why does humanity’s progress in science and technology which can not be compared with any preceding period in history, turn against humanity itself in so many ways? Can it be changed? Shall we succeed in changing it? You rightly ask this, yes it is the fundamental question facing your generation".
Indeed young people are full of vitality and hope.
Voluntary social groups in the archdiocese of Saigon following formation courses tell AsiaNews that they can know Christ more deeply, love Him more dearly and follow Him with greater faith, so they can drive even the young people who do not follow them to know, love and follow him.
In Vietnamese society, people think that all religions teach good things and shun the bad. So, today, even if young people come from different backgrounds, they are involved in charity programs or social activities. And in practice, continuously adapt themselves to the challenges of the time.
Globalization has introduced itself into the world of young people.They are now faced with many difficulties on the path of life. So, their need to consolidate their efforts to deepen and strengthen their education is even greater. Their mission is youth formation, so it is capable of a self evangilisation, because "the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few."
In 1989, flying over Vietnam, returning from a visit to Korea, John Paul II in a message to the Vietnamese wrote that "since the beginning of evangelization, you have been a profound and active community for the faith of the whole Church; what is congenial to the Vietnamese culture is its diligence in prayer and human generousity with everyone. "
"I'm sure - he added - that the circumstances will
honor your country, showing attention to justice and giving impulse to
the relationship with the spiritual values which are really necessary
for development."