This one is in relation to the Disclaimer:
Disclaimer - the disclaimer exists for a reason and is not in the least contradictory which is evident in itself.
However, like all else, one can manipulate the wording to suit ones own agenda, words can be made to read as one wishes them to be.
I have always held the view that every posting stands or falls on its own merits once the veracity has been checked to ensure accuracy, and once validated, then it is posted.
Postings contain info which I and others would deem to be of interst and which many would not be aware of such as the situation in Mosul, India and China to name but a few places. How this may be represented in a posting is open to interpretation by you and as many people read such, there are as many views and opinions.
As for my accepting the view that such postings may cause scandal or upset to others who read postings, that is something that I cannot possibly be held for, never mind morally. It is not in the least something that be practically - or otherwise - held over me as diversity ensures democracy.
If someone believes that I am to be held accountable morally for what is on this site, then I hate to disappoint but that is not going to happen.
Postings here are here for a purpose which is to inform others what is happening, to encourage debate and discussion and perhaps also an awareness of what is actually going on instead of spin.
No responsibility or liability shall attach itself to either myself or to the blogspot ‘Clerical Whispers’ for any or all of the articles placed here.
The placing of an article hereupon does not necessarily imply that I agree or accept the contents of the article as being necessarily factual in theology, dogma or otherwise.
Sotto Voce