Saturday, August 24, 2024

Parish priest in Charleville asks feuding families to 'look to God to find peace'

PARISH priest of Charleville Fr Donal O'Mahony has said that those involved in the alleged ongoing feud, which saw a 12-year-old girl get seriously injured during an assault, need to "find peace in God". 

Fr O'Mahony has said that the people of Charleville pray for the full recovery of the young girl every day in Mass.

Gardaí and emergency services were alerted to the scene of an attack on a house and car, which saw the child get hurt during the incident while in her home. 

It has been reported that the perpetrators were a suspected masked gang with slash hooks.

The young girl was taken to Cork University Hospital with serious head injuries, it is believed, before she was transferred to Temple Street Children's Hospital for surgery. She is now reportedly 'doing well'.

Fr O'Mahony says those involved in the alleged feud between families in Limerick and Cork need to resolve their issues with one another by "looking to God".

"I think we need to redirect people towards the source of their being, which is God himself," Fr O'Mahony said.

"We need to direct people back to Jesus himself to overcome our difficulties in humanity. Jesus is sent as God's solution to all of our human problems and violence only begets more violence.

"Even in difficult times, it is important that people realise where they can find peace. All over the world there is fierce restlessness at the moment, and people need to know where they can find the meaning in life by looking at the source of their being, which is church and God."

Fr O'Mahony condemned the violence in the town as did Superintendent Gary McPolin, who is heading the garda investigation.

“This happened on a Monday night, it's unacceptable, inexcusable, and will not be tolerated, either by the local people or by the gardaí,” Supt McPolin said.

“The people in Charleville are completely disgusted with what’s happened in their town. It’s a very law-abiding town with very decent people who have very good relationships with the guards and vice versa.

Gardaí are appealing for witnesses or anyone with information to contact the investigation team at Mallow Garda Station at 022 31450, the Garda Confidential Line at 1800 666 111, or any garda station. 

Investigations are ongoing and no arrests have yet been made.