Sunday, July 14, 2024

From Paul VI to Ulm, a book by Cardinal Semeraro on the witnesses of Christian hope


Since 1 July in the bookstore the bookshops "Comrades of Hope" of the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, published Libreria Editrice Vaticana, which in view of the Jubilee 2025 reports the stories of men and women, saints and blissfuls, of different eras and cultures, which have all been "witnesses capable of future"

John XXIII and Paul VI, Madeleine Delbrul and Josephine Bakhita, Franz Jugerstutter and Cardinal Francois Xavier Nguyan Van Thuan, the Ulma family. 

They are the men and women, saints and blesseds, protagonists of the new book of Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, prefect of the Dicastery of the Causes of Saints, from July 1st available in bookstores. "Comrades of hope. 

Stories of witnesses capable of the future" is the title of the volume published by the Libreria Editrice Vaticana.

Stories and testimonies

Stories and testimonies those reported in the book, useful to "keep burning the torch of hope that has been given to us, and to do everything so that everyone regains the certainty of looking to the future with an open heart, a confident heart and a far-sighted mind", as a desire expressed by Pope Francis for the next Jubilee 2025, dedicated precisely to the theme of hope. 

This Christian virtue is a leap up, and for this impetus to happen really requires the desire, which Thomas Aquinas calls "the interpreter of hope". A desire that must be invoked with prayer.

The "style" of Christian hope

In the pages of Cardinal Semeraro’s book, the life and work of personalities from different cultures and eras are illustrated in which it is possible to recognize this style of Christian hope, drawing examples and encouragements. They are stories of men and women who have known our same labors and now live in the embrace of God. 

As Benedict XVI wrote, "in the truly grave trials, in which I must make my own the final decision to put the truth before the welfare, to the career, to the possession, to the certainty of the true, great hope, becomes necessary. This is why we need witnesses who have totally donated themselves, to make it to them to prove it.” 

The Church is made up of countless brothers and sisters, often anonymous, who have preceded us. Their example tells us that the Christian life is not an unattainable ideal. Knowing these stories of hope generates consolation and innervating trust.