The days go by and unfortunately some things never change.
There has been a new offense committed against the Virgin Mary, this time by a well-known priest, activist, and campaigner for the homosexual cause in the Church, Fr. James Martin, an American Jesuit, who, for “pride month,” gave a conference in a church in Ohio.
A photo shows Fr. Martin preaching at the ambo, which is decorated with the LGBT banner.
On the front of the lectern is an image of the Virgin Mary wearing a dress of the same colors, and also wearing on her chest the symbol of the transgender community.
According to InfoVaticana, which reported the news, “the conference marked the 50th anniversary of one of the first conferences for gay and lesbian Catholics, which took place” in the same church in 1974.
As Giuseppe Nardi of katholisches.info notes, “for James Martin, homosexual activism seems to be the driving force of his life,” and he adds: “It is difficult to make a list of his public manifestations against the doctrine and order of the Church, they are so numerous.”
According to the Vaticanist, “this is only possible because the Jesuit feels doubly protected, on one hand by his close ties with Pope Francis, on the other hand by the Jesuit Order, from which the Pope also comes.”
In this matter, the figure of the Mother of God, of immaculate purity most elevated sanctity after that of Jesus Christ, her divine Son, is used in a despicable manner. Because this flag, whatever the deep intention of the Jesuit, universally represents a vindication of sin, of that sin which St. Paul calls “the sin of ignominy.”
What can be the meaning of the message carried by this figure if not an unconditional blessing of all that this flag and this banner represent?
But, unfortunately, is this so surprising?
When the Holy See publishes the Declaration Fiducia supplicans, how can it be shocking that the activists consider it a blessing of their sin?
And like Giuseppe Nardi again recalls: “It is Pope Francis himself who appointed Fr. James Martin a Consultor of the Dicastery for Communication in the Roman Curia, who wrote him letters of encouragement, who confirmed his homosexual activism and finally who invited people to read James Martin.”