Thursday, March 10, 2011

Vatican to encourage more use of canonical penalties

The Vatican is plan revisions in the section of the Code of Canon Law that details penalties for various violations, in hopes that bishops will be more inclined to use those sanctions. 

The Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts-- the Vatican body that supervises the Code of Canon Law-- is drafting changes to the section on canonical penalties. 

Vatican experts are concerned that many bishops feel reluctant to impose canonical sanctions, choosing instead to apply a "pastoral solution" to problems. 

In revising the penalties, the Vatican hopes to persuade bishops that the use of canonical discipline is itself a proper pastoral approach, and ultimately a show of charity toward the individual who needs disciplinary correction. 

In the course of the sex-abuse crisis, many analysts have observed that the Code of Canon Law provided adequate sanctions for priests who molested children, but those sanctions were rarely invoked.