Sunday 25th. March - 4th. Station of the Cross
To sensitive souls the pain they cause others is far worse than any sufferings they may endure themselves. They may have much to endure, but to see others in pain causes them deeper grief.
Jesus and Mary meet.
Alone, He could have suffered with joy so that she, His dearest Mother, might have been spared the agony of seeing all He must endure.
With one look of pity, Jesus reads the anguish of that cruelly lacerated heart; with one long gaze of infinite love and pity Mary sees the depth of her Sons’ woe, His long hours of torture, His utter weariness, His sorrow, His grief, His anguish.
May she not help Him? - at least lift for one moment that cross?
A mother puts her little child on its feet, but the child themselves must do something, must make an effort if they want to walk.
God does all that is necessary, but man must do his share.