Sunday, August 11, 2024

Statement from Archdiocese of New Orleans on media reports

Archbishop Gregory Aymond released the following statement on Aug. 8 to all priests of the Archdiocese of New Orleans: 
Yesterday, the Archdiocese of New Orleans released a statement that included a direct quote from Archbishop Aymond to members of the local media. The response centered on our Chapter 11 Bankruptcy proceedings, accusing our attorneys of delaying the progress and questioning the role of Mr. Lee Eagan in the proceedings. In light of questions we have received regarding certain media reports, both the full statement and Archbishop Aymond's complete quote are being published below.

Statement from the Archdiocese of New Orleans 


The direct character assassination of competent professionals is yet another tactic of certain attorneys to delay and discredit the Archdiocese of New Orleans and undermine the bankruptcy process. Those same attorneys calling for the removal of Mr. Eagan are directly responsible for the unacceptable time and costs through their frivolous and distracting court filings and their actions outside of the courtroom.
Mr. Eagan has worked tirelessly and selflessly to manage this process as a volunteer and without compensation. He is a man of faith and integrity who works closely with competent and experienced professionals to share their expertise in the reorganization process. To imply that his role has been cause of the delays is incorrect and detrimental to the process that we hope will bring closure and compensation for the abuse survivors.
It is time to bring an end to the distractions and for all involved to join in productive negotiations towards the goal of a settlement to compensate survivors and move forward.


“I have never considered removing Lee Eagan from his role in the bankruptcy. I chose Lee for this role because of his professionalism, skill, and business acumen together with his integrity and strong faith and love for the Church. Together, we work with a team of legal and financial professionals along with others with expertise in their fields to manage all the aspects of this bankruptcy process. To imply that his role has been cause of delays and question his integrity is a gross mischaracterization of his role in the bankruptcy. I have complete faith in his abilities and his desire to help move the local Church forward and remain grateful for his selfless commitment to the Church and this process.”                     

- Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond