Sunday, August 18, 2024

Saxony: Criticism of election poster with crucified prime minister

The Saxon SPD member of state parliament and theologian Frank Richter has sharply criticised a provocative election poster by the satirical party "Die Partei". 

It shows a photomontage of Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) tied to an oversized swastika in a green and white loincloth. 

In the background, AfD politicians applaud while CDU politicians act disinterested. A laughing Adolf Hitler can be seen in the top right-hand corner.

The prime minister is tied up in the picture with his own genitals. Below it is written "The last free elections in Saxony" and "Before it's too late. The Saxony Party".

Richter called the poster "tasteless, offensive and embarrassing" on Friday. The poster's pictorial reference to the crucified Jesus Christ was unmistakable, explained the religious policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group in his constituency in Meißen. The poster is unacceptable and must be taken down. It offends Christians, he said. "It hurts their feelings. It poisons the election campaign," he emphasised. The comment "Before it's too late: the party of Saxony" puts their election on a par with the salvation of the Saviour.

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Neither the CDU parliamentary group in the Saxon state parliament nor the state chancellery in Dresden wanted to comment on the poster. There is a distance requirement, public authorities are not allowed to enter into the election campaign, government spokesman Ralph Schreiber told the Evangelical Press Service (epd) in Dresden on Friday.

The satirical party explained on Instagram that "we don't know what the poster has to do with the election campaign in Saxony either". 

At first glance, it is reminiscent of an iconographic depiction of the crucifixion. The moon appears to be a "halo for the CDU politician on the cross, looking sadly resigned to his fate". 

While the AfD politicians cheered in the background of the poster, CDU politicians such as CDU Federal Chairman Friedrich Merz and former Chancellor Angela Merkel "looked on in awe".