Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Roman Catholic Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart launches "Photovoltaic Offensive"

The Bishopric of Rottenburg-Stuttgart has launched a "photovoltaic offensive" for its church congregations, according to its own information. 

Now a photovoltaic system has been installed on the roof of the Ecumenical Community Centre Diezenhde in Böblingen: the first of an initial 199 plants with a budget of 14 million euros, which a company founded by the diocese would build and operate on church-community roofs until 2026. 

By 2040, a total of 1,400 roofs in the diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart are to be equipped with such facilities, as the diocese announded on Tuesday.

In April 2024, the diocese founded its own company for the construction of photovoltaic systems – DRS-E GmbH. This offers a "round-free package" to Catholic parishes by leaseing roof areas of the parishes, taking over the investment costs and checking the facility during its term.

Thomas Jüttner, architect and deputy head of department in the Episcopal Building Office of the Diocese, said: "Photovoltaic facilities on our roofs were already a occasional, but not as an overall concept."

20 further projects in planning

Armin Biesinger, climate protection officer of the diocese, explained: "The PV system on the roof of the ecumenical community center Diezenhalde in Böblingen is the first project to be put into practice, but another 20 roofs are already under construction."

The deputy head of department in the building authority, Thomas Jüttner, said that the first priority for photovoltaics was found in church premises and kindergartens. A concept for an ecumenical use of buildings, such as in the "Our Community Centre" in Böblingen, is in work. Recent tner stressed: "We want to be a role model and come closer and closer to our goal of climate neutrality."

With its church congregations, deancies and diocesan facilities, the diocese has set itself the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2040. 

The project of the diocese has appeal, was convinced recent, and added: "We do it for the environment and for personal reasons, for our grandchildren. That is why all measures must be enkelfest." A major advantage is that the project is not profit-oriented. "Our goal with the photovoltaic systems is black zero."