Sunday, August 18, 2024

Nigerian diocese boasts 417 active priests

With the ordination of 23 new priests on August 10, the Diocese of Nsukka brought its total number of active priests to 417—roughly twice the number that the diocese reported ten years ago.

Established in 1990 (with only 30 priests at the time), the Nsukka diocese has seen enormous growth recently, with more than 500,000 people entering the Church in the past five years. 

After the ordination ceremony, Bishop Godfrey Igwebuike Onah remarked that it was impractical for all the priests of the diocese to lay hands on the newly ordained priests, as is customary, because “we would still be at the imposing of hands now.”

The bishop said of the new priests that “they must remember that they are earthen vessels carrying a precious treasure, and they must guard it carefully.” 

He warned them against the temptation to political activism, reminding them that “their true calling is to be men of prayer, leading the faithful in holiness.”