Sunday, August 18, 2024

‘Beautiful’ papal friendship with Poor Clare monastery

Pope Francis has revealed that he has a “beautiful friendship” with the Poor Clares of Vallegloria in Spello, a small town in Umbria.

“Today is the feast of Saint Clare: I address an affectionate thought to all the Clarissians, and in particular those of Vallegloria, with whom I have a beautiful friendship,” the Pope said on August 11.

The Pope has had at least four encounters with the Poor Clares of Vallegloria:

  • In August 2016, the nuns attended his weekday Mass in Casa Santa Marta, which he offered for victims of an earthquake in Umbria.

  • In January 2019, the Pope paid a surprise visit to the monastery and handed them a copy of his 2016 apostolic constitution on women’s contemplative life.

  • In October 2020, he stopped by the monastery while on a visit to Assisi.

  • In November 2021, the Pope paid another surprise visit to the monastery, which led the Poor Clares to write an article for the Vatican newspaper.

The nuns recalled that during the November 2021 visit, the Pope said, “I entrust you to Him [Christ in the Eucharist]. Never neglect to speak with Jesus, never neglect this. And if sometimes you are tempted to chatter, speak with Him!”