It was with profound sadness that I learned this morning of the death of John Bruton.
Throughout his life and long political career, John was dedicated to a truly democratic Ireland and a truly democratic Europe.
As a committed politician and dedicated leader John Bruton embodied some of the finest qualities of political leadership, qualities without which offices of State risk losing necessary commitment to, and work for, the common good.
A man deep conviction and profound Christian faith, John realised from an early age that the future of Ireland and the future of Europe were inseparable.
His work, both as government minister and Taoiseach in a very different Ireland, and at a difficult time in our history – as well as his work in the European Union – bore witness to what the recently deceased Jacques Delors frequently called Europe’s soul: a shared sense of values and grounded in a spirituality.
Every people and every country need contact with its heart and its soul.
In John Bruton we had someone who was a sure guide on that journey.
I wish to express my sympathy to his wife, Finola, his son, Matthew, his daughters, Emily, Juliana, and Mary-Elizabeth, to his brother, Richard, and sister, Mary.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam
May he rest in peace.