Sunday, November 19, 2023

Peter McVerry Trust bought nine Offaly apartments developed by former auditor

Peter McVerry Trust | Westmeath Examiner

The Peter McVerry Trust, a prominent homelessness charity in Ireland, recently came under scrutiny for a property deal that raised questions about potential conflicts of interest. 

The charity purchased nine apartments in Birr, Co Offaly, from a development owned by Donal Ryan, who was also the longtime auditor of the Peter McVerry Trust.

The apartments, part of a residential development called The Heritage, were acquired by the charity in 2018 for use as emergency accommodation. 

Planning records confirmed that Donal Ryan’s accountancy firm, Donal Ryan & Associates, had been auditing the charity’s accounts for over a decade at the time of the sale.

While the trust confirmed the purchase and stated that tenants for the units were nominated by Offaly County Council and managed by the charity, they did not disclose the details of the property deal, citing “data protection” concerns. 

The charity also did not respond to inquiries about potential conflict of interest.

The controversy surrounding the property deal comes at a challenging time for the Peter McVerry Trust. Facing financial strain, the charity has sought emergency funding of more than €5 million from the State to avoid collapse. 

Parallel investigations by the Charities Regulator and the Approved Housing Bodies Regulatory Authority are currently underway to examine financial and governance issues within the organization.

The involvement of the former auditor of the charity in a property transaction raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest and transparency. 

However, without additional information from the trust and Donal Ryan, it is difficult to ascertain the full extent of any impropriety. The ongoing investigations will hopefully shed light on the matter and ensure accountability.

As the Peter McVerry Trust awaits a decision on its emergency funding request, it faces the challenge of regaining public trust and ensuring that its operations prioritize the welfare of those experiencing homelessness. 

Transparency and adherence to best practices in governance will be crucial in rebuilding confidence in the organization.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What did the Peter McVerry Trust purchase in Birr, Co Offaly?
A: The trust purchased nine apartments in a residential development called The Heritage.

Q: Who developed the apartments?
A: The apartments were developed by Donal Ryan, who was also the former longtime auditor of the Peter McVerry Trust.

Q: When did the property deal take place?
A: The property deal was completed in 2018.

Q: Why is there concern about a conflict of interest?
A: The concern stems from the fact that the seller of the apartments was also the auditor of the charity at the time of the sale.

Q: Are there ongoing investigations into the Peter McVerry Trust?
A: Yes, both the Charities Regulator and the Approved Housing Bodies Regulatory Authority are conducting parallel investigations into financial and governance issues at the charity.

Q: Has the Peter McVerry Trust faced financial challenges?
A: Yes, the charity is currently under major financial strain, and it has sought emergency funding from the State to avoid collapsing.

Q: What happens next?
A: The trust is awaiting a decision on its emergency funding request, while investigations continue to address the concerns raised.