Wednesday, July 12, 2023

A Dogs Dinner Of Mis-Information

 Stanford study examines fake news and the 2016 presidential election |  Stanford News

It is rare, if ever, that we here in CW would make comment or reference to the posting on a blogspot elsewhere, but in this particular regard, it is merited.

A recent posting by 'Bishop' Pat Buckley made its own headline by claiming that Islam has a somewhat irrational and dangerous relationship....with dogs!

So this posting was then brought to the attention of Islam Ireland, and let it be noted, this was NOT done by CW in the first instance, but we have the original of all correspondence on file, as does our legal representative.

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I am enclosing a blog of Bishop Pat Buckley which I came across just now in relation to Islam and Dogs - when religion is irrational and dangerous.

I think it's absolutely disgraceful how this man can get away with this article.

Just thought you might like to see it.

Reply received from Dr. Ali Selim.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. 
However, I only engage when what people say makes sense. 
But reading his article, I came to the conclusion that he is just an angry man.
Thanks again.
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The reason why we here in CW have a Code of Responsibility is due simply to the above type of mis-information being published without any form of verification, and this is not the first time that Buckley's Blog has done such, and indeed, continues to do so.

This is not something we say lightly, and indeed we say it having knowledge, insight and interaction with the necessary legal authorities in Ireland and abroad in relation to many claims made previous to the above on aformentioned blog heretofore.