Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Pope: the tranquil light of Jesus drives out without armies the devil's false light

The light of Jesus is a "tranquil light of peace", nothing like the "artificial", yet "strong, perhaps" light that the world has to offer. For it drives out "demons" without the need for "an army," Pope Francis said this morning during the Mass he celebrated in chapel of Domus Sanctae Marthae, Vatican Radio reported. 

The pontiff began commenting Saint Paul's words in the first reading of today's Mass, "you, brothers, are not in darkness [. . .] you are children of the light" (1 Thessalonians, 5:4-5).

The "light of Jesus is something else," he pointed out. "It's a light of wisdom and sagacity, but it is something other than the light of the world. The light that the world offers us is an artificial light, strong, perhaps-but that of Jesus is stronger, eh! -strong like a firework, like a flash of photography. Instead, the light of Jesus is a mild light, it is a quiet light, it is a light of peace, it's like the light on Christmas night: without pretence."

The light of Jesus, the Holy Father went on to say, "doesn't put on a show. It's a light that comes into the heart." However, he warned, "it's true that many times the devil comes dressed as an angel of light: he likes to imitate Jesus and do good, he speaks to us quietly, as he spoke to Jesus after the fast in the desert." That's why we should ask the Lord for "the wisdom discernment to understand when it is Jesus who gives us the light, and when it is the devil, disguised as an angel of light."

"The light of Jesus," the pope added, "can be known because it is a humble light; it is not a light that imposes itself: it is humble. It's a meek light, with the strength of meekness. It's a light that speaks to the heart, and also a light that offers you the Cross. If we, in our inner light are meek, if we hear the voice of Jesus in the heart and look on the Cross without fear: that is the light of Jesus."

Yet, if light "makes you arrogant," leading "you to look on others from on high" and despise them, "leads you to pride; that is not the light of Jesus: it's the light of the devil, disguised as Jesus, as an angel of light." 

The Pope concluded by referring to today's Gospel (Luke, 4:31-37), in which Jesus drove out a demon from a man in the synagogue in Capernaum, saying, "Jesus doesn't need an army to cast out the demons, He has no need of pride, no need of force, of arrogance. 'What is there about His word? For with authority and power He commands the unclean spirits, and they come out.' This is a humble word, meek, with so much love; it is a word that accompanies us in the moments of the Cross. Let us ask the Lord to give us today the grace of His Light, and to teach us to distinguish when the light is from Him, and when it is an artificial light, made by the enemy to deceive us."