Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Davies axes seven J&P members Bishop of Shrewsbury has dismissed seven members of the diocese's justice and peace commission and replaced the chairman of the group with a senior priest.

The members, who include six women, received letters from Bishop Davies thanking them for their work but saying their positions would not be renewed.

Bishop Mark Davies also announced that the new chairman of the commission is Canon Philip Moor, the diocese's vicar-general.

The Diocese of Shrewsbury's Commission for Justice, Peace and Social Responsibility, whose last three chairmen have been lay, is known as one of the most active commissions in the country.

Those who are being asked to step down have served for a number of years and the move by the bishop is being seen by some as an attempt to bring in some fresh blood. 

Five members of the commission are being kept on. 

A spokesman for the diocese said that the bishop was in the process of appointing members to the group "which will be largely lay in membership".